Potting & Drainage

Part 5 of 6


Grow pots: If plant still has space to continue growing you can leave a plant in its grow pot until it outgrows it, but consider adding fresh soil to provide nutrients.

  • Repot plants in grow pots 10" or smaller in diameter in planters 1-2" wider
  • Repot plants in grow pots 10" or larger in diameter in planters 2-3" wider

Make sure to only purchase “potting” or “container” mix for plants and never garden soil.Plant parents are also more then welcome to repot plants into slightly larger grow pots instead of standard planters to drop into decorative planters. This helps certain people to move their plants around if needed into different planters/baskets for aesthetic purposes, and also ease of watering by taking a grow pot to a sink to drain properly before placing back into decorative container. Or using that decorative container as a cache pot and dumping out excess water after 10 minutes.


Video can be accessed through this link.

  • All plants need some sort of drainage so that the roots have a chance to dry out properly between watering. We use lava rocks for drainage because they are porous and light weight, but you can use any sort of pebbles or media to create a reservoir beneath the potting mix.
  • The type of potting mix you use will also affect drainage, ie: cacti and succulents prefer a well draining mix with sand and pebbles incorporated into the potting mix, whereas ferns want a moisture retaining mix that contains more absorbent amendments such as peat moss or coconut husk fiber.

How To Repot

Video can be accessed through this link.